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Apple Cider Vinegar Health Claims Revealed

Hello KMPM Readers!!!

I was recently asked my opinion of the use of apple cider vinegar alongside a healthy diet and exercise regime, if it would help a person lose weight faster or if it was more beneficial. After doing some of my own research, checking multiple websites, such as,, and here is what I found and what I think of the matter.

Apple cider vinegar use has many health claims to its name. Some of ACV claims are as follows:

  1. Balances our bodies pH levels

  2. Regulates blood sugar

  3. It is said that if you ingest ACV at meal time that it increases satiety and reduces postprandial glycemia. This benefits those who are pre-diabetic and or diabetic (type 2).

  4. Another study claimed that consuming 2 tbsp before bed lowered your morning blood sugar level by 4-6%.

  5. Lower ones BP

  6. Potassium helps balance the body’s sodium levels. Magnesium relaxes blood vessel walls

  7. Increases heart health

  8. Increases HDL “good” cholesterol in the body

  9. Eliminates Candida Overgrowth

  10. ACV is fermented with beneficial yeast that serves as a pre-biotic for healthy bacteria in the gut.

  11. Eases digestive ailments

  12. Can help indigestion, bloating, gas and heartburn

  13. Accelerates weight loss

  14. Makes you feel fuller, increases satiety

Each website I checked mentioned very similar data and information in regards to most of the claims that I have mentioned above. Here are some counter arguments in which I found against some of the “claimed” health benefits of the use of ACV.

Counter arguments from several of the different websites say that in regards to the second mentioned claim, “Regulates blood sugar,” that any vinegar basically does the same thing. This data was collected by against what had stated. CNN also argued that the claim of lowering ones BP was only found on rats, no human trials or evidence is known as of this point. The claims of weight loss had many contradictions—CNN stated that participants in a study over a 12 week period only lost 2-4 pounds, and that was with a healthy diet and exercise. WebMD also said that the weight loss myths aren’t conclusive; the average weight loss with the assistance of ACV in the diet was at max 1-2 pounds over the entire 3 month period. The last piece of information that I found to be contradictory was the amount suggested to be consumed each day. suggested to drink ACV + water at every meal, while suggested to only drink ACV + water once a day.

My opinion is that I know that we all want the “magic pill” that will solve all of our problems and make our lives easier. Well sorry to break it to ya folks, that “magic pill” doesn’t exist. You can definitely look into utilizing ACV and water as an aide on your health and fitness journey, but please please please do not think that this is going to be the end all be all and all of your health and fitness dreams are going to come true. The only way we can ever achieve our goals is to work for it, honestly and truly. Hard work is hard, if it were easy, everyone would already be in the best shape of their lives and well… I wouldn’t have a job. That is my opinion; you are more than welcomed to try it out for yourself. Do as LeVar Burton on Reading Rainbow says, “You don’t have to take my word for it.”

~Kayla :)

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