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Defense Against Cold/Flu 101

Hello Fabulous KMPM Readers!!!

Cold and Flu season is among us. Who's ready to combat their evil pursuit to keep us down and out? There are many ways in which you can prepare your body for the inevitable, one way is to make sure you get a flu shot. There are other non medicinal ways in which you can prepare your body for this fight.... you first and foremost want to keep your body fully hydrated. Water is such a great thing for our bodies. In this instance, it helps flush out toxins and bad bacteria to help keep our immune system strong. Moderate daily exercise has also been known to help keep ones immune system strong. One study showed that those who performed moderate exercise daily can reduce their risk of getting a cold by a third. AND, Wash your hands!!! Alongside these simple and easy ways in order to keep your immune system strong and healthy you can also use food as your medicine and help strengthen your immune system.

To make sure your immune system is super strong and ready to fight this cold and flu season and keep you running, make sure to add these foods and supplements to your daily routines to reap their benefits.

* Elderberries are antioxidant rich and contains Vitamin C, which helps to improve cytokine production, which is good for the immune system.

* Garlic enhances ones immune function and contains Vitamin C and Zinc.

*Sip on some Green Tea with Manuka Honey, lowers stress and relaxes you as well as strengthens the immune system. The honey not only adds a little sweetness to your tea, it also provides the body with powerful antibacterial properties that are efficient at inhibiting growth of bacteria in the body.

* Consume more mushrooms. Miatake, and Shiitake mushrooms increase immune cells by stimulating phagocytes, which are the white blood cells that target bacteria.

*Consuming pro-biotics are another way to ensure for a strong immune system. Pro-biotic supplements and or foods such as Kefir, contain Vitamins C, D and E. The immune system requires C to function, D and E support immunity. Vitamin C aids the production of anti-stress hormones and interferon, an immune system protein. Pro-biotics also stimulate the production of infection-fighting white blood cells.

*Use more tumeric and ginger when you cook. Maybe not at the same time, but those two spices are known to have positive benefits in the body. Tumeric is one of the most anti-inflammatory spices of all, it can also help reduce the risk of dementia and some cancers. Ginger, warms the body and breaks down the accumulation of toxins in our organs: the sinuses, lungs and Lymphatic system. Put a slice of ginger into warm water with Manuka Honey and sip on that.

*Some oils to keep on hand this fall/winter are; Tea Tree Oil- can be used on your hands as an anti-microbial/hand sanitizer. Oregano Oil- another great anti-microbial, antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal that cleanses your gut. Oregano Oil can be taken orally to prevent parasites and infections

. Mix Oregano Oil with Coconut oil and place under your tongue. Hold it there for a few minutes and then spit out. Or you can put it in hot water, and inhale its steam.

Your arsenal for fighting this fall/winter cold and flu season has been packed. You should be as prepared now as you'll ever be for when these nasty lil guys strike. NO excuses to keep you down and out for the count. Tell cold and flu season, "come at me bro, cash me ousside, how bow dah." Haha

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