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How to Set Goals and Keep Them!

Hello Fabulous KMPM Readers!!!

Happy New Year!!! Another year come and gone and another one just beginning. Such hope at this time of year, goals of new beginnings and of healthier lifestyles, goals of success, money, happiness, change, etc. Well whatever your goals, aspirations, challenges, adventures are for 2018… I wish you all the best and I know that whatever it is that your are aiming to achieve, you will achieve if you set strong goals and make small baby steps along the way. Setting goals and how to achieve them are like an art, a beautiful dance that takes time and takes preparation in order to get there. I want to share with you today how you can set a goal and how you can and will achieve them this year with these simple tips that will help you be and remain successful all year.

Goals, whether big or small are stepping stones along our journey to a happier life; the way in which we set our goals can make a difference in how we achieve them. First thing to do when we are trying to set goals for ourselves is to DECIDE what it is that we want to reach towards. That is step number one. Whatever it is that we are aspiring to achieve must be something that gets us excited, something that is important to us! And remember, when setting this accomplishment in which you want to achieve, it must be for YOU, and not for someone else.

WRITE DOWN YOUR GOALS, and put it somewhere in which you will see every day! That is step number 2! Writing down your goals increases your chances for keeping with it. Write down how you know you’ve achieved your goal and by when. So if your goal is to lose weight, how will you know that you’ve achieved your goal? EX.) What is your goal weight and what is a reasonable amount of time in which that should be achieved. Things to keep in mind and to make clear, is how will it look when you have achieved your goal, what will your goal look like and how will you feel when you have achieved those goals? And most importantly, how does this goal connect to who or what you value in your life? If this goal that you are setting for yourself doesn’t feed your soul…. then it is going to be harder for you to achieve it.

BE SPECIFIC, Write down your goals in terms of what you want instead of what you don’t want. EX.) ”I want to be able to wear my favorite jeans again.” NOT, “I don’t want to be overweight again.”

TELL SOMEONE, When you tell someone your goals it helps us to be more accountable for our actions and helps keep us on track to stick to our goals.

BREAK DOWN YOUR GOALS, Think about the steps that you need to take to be able to achieve your overall larger goal. The goal of “being more healthy,” is so vague. Break that goal down into smaller more achievable steps such as, “I will eat one less processed food item today and one more piece of fruit or vegetable today.” That is specific and small enough that I am taking one small step closer to an overall goal of “being more healthy.” When we set these smaller goals, and then when we achieve them, it makes us feel good about ourselves and in the long run helps us stay determined and focused on reaching that larger goal.

PLAN YOUR FIRST STEP, even if you don’t know what your first step should be, researching about your goal or about ways in order to reach that goal could be that first step.

KEEP GOING!! There are no right or wrong ways in order to reach whatever it is you wish to achieve… if you are trying something and it isn’t quite working for you, think of something else you could try that still moves you forward; even a tiny bit. This road, in which you’ve decided to travel, is a long and difficult one. I want to congratulate you for your perseverance and your gumption for beginning this! Way to go! If you start to struggle during this journey, ASK FOR HELP! The person or people in which you ask might help you see a different way in order to achieve the same goal. Thinking of different ways of reaching our goals makes it more likely we will be successful!! If you really get stuck, that’s OK! Take a step back, take a break, re-read the goal you wrote down when you first started. If you need to re-adjust your goal, that is ok too. Then think about that first small step for achieving that new or revised goal.

CELEBRATE, last but definitely not least… is to celebrate your achievements whatever they may be. When you reach your goals—small and large, take time to enjoy it. Thank those who helped you along the way, think about what you’ve learned during this journey and then plan for another goal, plan for your next step in continuing to move forward!

Let’s rock this year! I hope that these tips have helped you create a goal you are proud of and excited to pursue!!!

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