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Proper Gym Hygiene to Stop the Spread of Germs!

Hello Fabulous KMPM Readers!!!

This weather at this time of the year in Maryland is usually crazy and with the changing of the weather, normally that means that people are getting sick and spreading their nasty germs around. Even at the gym. That’s when we need you guys as active members of your gym families to step up and take control of your part in keeping the gym clean and stopping this vicious spread of germs. Because when you’re sick, it hinders your ability to reach your goals of achieving greatness; and don’t be a butthead and hinder someone else’s ability to reach their goals either. Follow my tips of great gym hygiene and I and everyone else will greatly thank you!!!! Let’s get ready to clean. Haha

One of the easiest ways in which you can stop the spread of germs in your gym is by first and foremost and simplest is to WASH YOUR HANDS!!! Wash your hands before and after your workouts and sanitize if needed if you can’t wash them. When you reach for a sanitizer, look for one with 60% alcohol. Next thing you can do to help your fellow gym family is to wipe down the machines, equipment, and mats, before and after your use. If you have a break in your skin, make sure you cover it up with a waterproof band-aid before you start working out. And make sure you are not sharing personal care products such as towels, water bottles, soap, razors, combs, brushes, make up, etc. Fungus and other diseases and viruses can be shared through those products.

After your workout, make sure you shower ASAP!!! Bacteria loves to breed in your sweaty clothes. Make sure when you take them off, put them in a plastic bag and put them in the wash when you get home! You especially want to wash your socks and swimsuits every time. When you’re in the shower at the gym, make sure you are protecting your feet. Wear flip flops in the shower and when you’re done, make sure you dry your feet and put on fresh socks. Every once in a while make sure you clean your shower flip flops too, with 10% bleach to make sure that you are keeping your feet clean. Not only should you clean your gym clothes and shower flops, wipe off your gym shoes as well with a disinfecting wipe, bottoms too and then you can put them back in your bag.

Two other things that you can do that can make certain you are stopping the spread of germs is by one; using a better water bottle. Plastic water bottles are more likely to hold on to bacteria. The only way to make sure that your bottles are clean and not holding bad bacteria is by using a stainless steel or metal water bottle. Make sure you are also not sharing your water bottle with others and don’t leave it around the gym. Keep it close to you when you work out. Last but not least, second; clean your phones!!! This is something that we take with us everywhere…. EVERYYYYWHEERREE!!! Can you imagine the amount of germs that are on the screen and on that case that you never take off? EWWW Gross!!! Clean that ishhh my friend. Each week you should clean your phone, the screen and the case with a disinfecting wipe. Erase fingerprints and remove grease with a microfiber cloth and last but not least, clean those dirty buttons. Use compressed air instead of a cotton swab. This and the other tips in which I have been gracious enough to share with you will help our never ending crusade to stop the spread of germs so that you and your other gym family members can continue to reach their goals.

Get it. :)

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