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The "Keys" to Happiness

Hello Fabulous Kayla's Meal Prep Monday, Readers!!!

How many times have we told ourselves, “After I lose 10 lbs I will be happier…. After I get my house I’ll be happy… After I find love…. Once I get a new job…. Once I get a new car… etc. etc.” The truth of the matter here though folks, is that happiness is a choice, you are the only person who can make you happy and you’re as happy as you choose to be. Not a new job, car, house, relationship, new clothes, new body, etc will fix that or be the source of your un-ending happiness and joy. We are already approaching the second month of this new year. It is February already and with this month also comes Valentine’s Day. I want to share with you some ways to increase your success with making un-ending happiness throughout your life now and forever.

Happiness is very much so a choice that we can choose each and every day. One way to make sure that we are entering a day full of happiness is to set an intent for each and every day. Such as a statement that sounds similar to, “Today I intend to live in the now….” Happiness is something that we also can either choose to believe is achievable within our being. We need to make it apart of our self concept. We need to hold the possibility of happiness in our image, in the way we perceive ourselves. Your self concept keeps you locked into a reality that will support your self concept. Meaning if you think/believe negative things, that is what you will attract to yourself. Say a positive affirmation everyday to yourself such as; I am happy and becoming happier each and every day. Another great way to continue to be happy throughout life and now is to keep a gratitude journal. Make sure you are only writing about the things that you are truly grateful for at the moment in which you’re journaling.

Meditation and mindfulness practices are another great way in which you can learn to choose happiness. Mindfulness is the quality or state of being aware. When you practice mindfulness you are slowing yourself down from the stressors of life and can be more focused on the important things at that moment. A great mindfulness practice that has shown through many studies to reduce stress, increase concentration, encourages a healthy lifestyle, increases happiness, increases self acceptance, slows aging and increases relaxation is MEDITATION. Meditation allows people to take charge of their own nervous system and emotions which reduces stress. Helps to increase one’s ability to focus and therefore ability to multi-task. Meditation is backed by numerous studies that show brain signaling increases in the left side of the pre-frontal cortex which is responsible for positive emotions. And at the same time, meditation then decreases the activity of the right side which is responsible for negative emotions. And one other fact about meditation that I thought was extremely interesting is that it has been shown to slow the process of aging. Studies have shown that meditation changes brain physiology to slow aging. Meditators have more gray matter—literally more brain cells. How awesome is that?

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