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You Are What You Eat, Literally.

Hello my fabulous KMPM Readers!!!

So fam, I want to share some info with you today that might just either blow your mind and change your life or you might be left baffled and confused. Well I hope it’s the first one. I am about to tell you that you need to eat lots of fat in order to see the weight loss results you are working so hard for in the gym. Have you ever heard the saying, “You are what you eat?” Well, that is kinda really true. Let me explain, if you consume a diet mostly of carbs… breads and starches, etc. you will be a “Carb burner.” If in your diet, it is mostly made up of fats, such as fish, nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocados, etc… you will be a “Fat burner.” Interesting huh. Now, what does all of this mean? This is the confusing part now right, because for how long have we been told that eating fat will make us fat and we need to consume as little fat as possible in order to shed those pounds. Sorry to tell ya folks, that mind set and way of thinking is sooooo wrong… wrong like wearing your pants half way down your butt (uhm boys….) Haha and so wrong like listening to country music while working out… haha Stay tuned and you will hopefully understand what I am talking about.

Ok so first myth debunked… eating fat will make you fat. FALSE!! Point being, fat is so essential to our health. Fat is essential for normal growth and development. Fat provides energy, protects our organs, maintains our cell membranes, and helps our bodies absorb and process nutrients. Some vitamins such as; A, D, E and K are fat soluble. This means that in order for these essential vitamins to be properly absorbed and utilized by the body they must be accompanied by fat. So if you’re not consuming fats with these vitamins, your body could be not properly absorbing those nutrients which can lead to such things as; dry skin, blindness, brittle bones, muscle pains, and abnormal blood clotting. If our bodies aren’t absorbing these critical nutrients, it can also affect our energy, our ability to focus, and our mental health. All of which are connecting in how we select our foods and then can contribute to a healthy or unhealthy weight. Thus consuming fats in our daily diets helps the body to burn fat, not store it. So fat should definitely NOT be something that we avoid in our diets.

Myth number two debunked… low fat or no fat options are better for me than full fat versions of the same thing. What happens when fat is stripped from a package of yogurt or from our milk? We think we have made it healthier for ourselves right? Well unfortunately, the cold hard truth is that we have actually made the once powerfully nutritious food for us into a toxic chemical waste land of nothing but empty promises and no gainz to be seen in sight. Fam, when they take the good stuff out, like fat, they put the bad stuff in to replace it. They add sugars and salt, which sugar is our down fall here, to the product to make up for the taste and nutrients they robbed you when they made it, “low fat,” or “no fat.” So then I guess you’re at a crossroads now, right? Asking, well which fats do I eat now? Ok I am so glad that you asked that question. I will tell you! First off, AVOID like the plague… Trans Fatty Acids; found in foods such as: margarine, fried foods, and processed foods. You do however want to eat Unsaturated fat! Eat monounsaturated fat sources such as nuts, seeds, olives and avocados. Eat polyunsaturated fat sources such as fish and seafood! The reason you want to eat these types of fats is because unsaturated fats remove LDL or BAD cholesterol from arteries and promote a healthy heart. And these fatty acids can also…. Listen to this one ok…. Its important…. INCREASE YOUR METABOLIC HEALTH! Another type of fatty acid in which you need to include in your daily diet is, OMEGA-3’s! This fatty acid which is a type of polyunsaturated fat can boost serotonin levels in the brain and can increase ones mood and increase motivation. And one more thing about monounsaturated fats, they also help to stabilize blood sugar. We will talk about the importance of that very soon.

Ok so if eating fat doesn’t make us fat, what does? What causes the body to hoard calories as fat, rather than use them for energy? INSULIN!!! Insulin, a hormone your pancreas secretes when you are digesting foods; when you eat a meal full of processed carbs like bread, your insulin skyrockets and it is immediately stored in your fat cells. And the fastest way to lower insulin levels is to substitute FAT for processed CARBS. Fat does a great job of keeping us satisfied or satiated after meals, aka. Keeps us full! Without your insulin spiking up and down all the time, your blood sugar levels will be more stable, allowing your body to use the fuel that is stored in your fat cells… making you a “Fat Burner!” Ok now this one right here might be the end game…. Fat also helps build muscle… whoah. Eating good fats along with an effective exercise program can increase muscle size. There you have it fam. The cold hard truth that will set you free and will help you achieve the gainz you’ve been working too hard for. I hope this has helped you along your health and fitness journey!

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