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Abs are Made Where???

It is May, can you believe it? Just dong a quick check in with you all. Who here has stuck with their “New Year’s

Resolutions” thus far? I bet if we were in a room and I asked you to raise your hands, not a lot of your hands would be up in the air right? Or maybe I am wrong. I know that a lot of you have been working really hard towards achieving your goals, whatever they may be. Yet, still I am asked, “Kayla, how can I get abs? What is an exercise that can get rid of this (points to midsection.)?” And the secret is…. There is no secret. There is no secret diet or secret exercise that magically takes away the weeks, months, years of bad eating habits and slacking in the gym and delivers you with those 6 pack abs everyone wants so badly. Most of you have also probably heard the saying, “Abs are made in the kitchen.” Well that is somewhat true, like almost everything in this life, it is all not black or white, but a beautiful balance of both. Today my goal is to help you navigate more efficiently towards your goals of weight loss, increased muscle mass and or those infamous 6 pack abs.

When I first was writing this article today, I was thinking of how much our diet really effects the way in which our bodies look. I started googling, “Abs are made in the kitchen,” which is what I have been told over and over again from fitness professionals and nutritionists alike. Well what I found is that only part of that is true. Eating a “healthy” diet is important in many ways. It can help us beat and be less likely for certain diseases and or cancers, as well as help us feel better, have more energy throughout the day and also shape our bodies. Obviously eating a diet full of processed carbs and sugars are not good for our bodies on the inside or for our waistlines.

Some general rules if we want to think and be healthier especially when making choices in the kitchen, these rules for a “flat stomach” are a great starting place. Is this the end all be all of flat stomachs or of the up most healthy bodies, no, but it is a start. That’s all it takes, is a place to start. Here are some general rules to help either maintain a flat stomach or to attain a flatter stomach: 1. Cut down on Carbs. Now when I say carbs, I mean our refined carbs. Such as grains, cereals, bread, pasta, and processed foods. You do however want to eat your vegetables. 2. Stop Drinking Alcohol. Yes I know this one is a hard blow for some people to get over. Not only are we then consuming numerous empty calories and excess sugar which contains no nutritional value. When we drink we also are more prone to making bad food choices. Also while we are consuming alcohol, our bodies are possibly not absorbing the nutrients as efficiently or at all while drinking. 3. Eat Protein with Every Meal. Eating the right amount of protein for your body and your lifestyle can help you achieve the body you want. Protein helps keep you fuller for longer as well as it helps to restore your muscles after a tough workout. 4. Do not Fear Fat. Fat helps keep the body satiated or full. And despite what we might have been told in the 90s, that low fat foods are better, they are not. Eat healthy sources of fat such as nuts; almonds and nut butters, fish; salmon, tuna, oils; coconut avocado, olive, Avocados, etc. These foods are necessary to help keep your body functioning properly and it also helps you utilize your fat stores as energy. Now think 25-30% of your diet should consist of these healthy fats. 5. Get Enough Sleep. For many reasons getting enough sleep is so beneficial and crucial to our health. One other reason to make sure you get your full 8 hours is so that you can see those 6 pack abs right. When we haven't gotten enough sleep, our bodies can hold on to that nasty stress hormone cortisol, this hormone makes losing (especially belly fat) very difficult. So get some sleep.

There are also general lists of foods in which you probably should avoid and then foods in which you want to make sure you’re eating to ensure that your diet is well balanced as well as geared towards the direction in which we should start seeing abs (alongside an exercise regime of course.)

Foods to Eat:

  • Green Veggies

  • Avocados

  • Chicken Breast

  • Turkey/Gamey Meats

  • Egg/Egg whites

  • Blueberries

  • Salmon/Halibut/Tuna

  • Plain Greek Yogurt

  • Almonds/Walnuts

  • Olive Oil

  • Sweet Potatoes and oats

Foods to Avoid:

  • Soda/Fruit Juices/Smoothies/Wine/Beer/Spirits

  • Candy

  • Processed Foods/Fast Food

  • Yogurt with added sugar

  • Oats with added sugar

  • Chips

  • French Fries

  • Bananas *(unless directly after workout)

  • White Bread

  • White Pasta

  • Salad Dressings

Now remember guys, you can’t out exercise a bad diet and fat just doesn’t magically transform into muscle. Muscle growth of abs or any other muscle doesn't reduce fat in those areas. This concept is known as: spot training. This is a myth!!! However, BeachBody does claim and say that we can reduce and target visceral fat, the fat that is deep within our abdomens, by eating more fiber, less carbs, and getting more exercise and sleep.

Abs are always there on our bodies, but they might not be visible… right. Well think about this. 1 pound on the body is equivalent to 3,500 calories. A 500 calorie daily deficit will earn you 1 pound of weight lost in one week. One thing I definitely don’t want you to do is skip meals. We can roughly gage how many calories we need to consume in order to seek results by calculating this simple equation. As yourself, are you…

  1. Sedentary = wt. in pounds x 12, then subtract 500.

  2. Moderate Activity= wt. in pounds x 13, then subtract 500.

  3. Highly Active= wt. in pounds x 14, then subtact 500.

This will give you an estimate in how many calories a day you should consume in order to achieve your weight loss/6 pack abs goals.

Disclaimer!!!!!! The information in this weeks article is not guaranteeing you results or six pack abs. This is a simplified list of foods and rules in order to help one either lose weight and or maintain and attain a flatter stomach. Please please please do your own research, consult a doctor and or a health professional that you trust for further information on today's topic.

Following any health program will work if you are consistent. Remember that.

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